Sunday, 25 September 2011

My guildmates are awesome!

Cenarion Hatchling
I may have mentioned before how wonderful and friendly my guild is.

They serve as a virtual family and a home away from home on the days where I'm struggling to do more than move my arms to type.  They make me feel wanted and welcome.  Most importantly, they make me feel useful and needed when in real life I mostly end up feeling like a burden or excluded from the rest of the world.

I have a friend here that was in a previous guild with me.  When I came to my current guild he watched out for me, regularly checked I was getting on with the rest of the guild, sat outside the raids in the same spot with me while we waited for our raids to begin and generally made my online world a more lovely place.

L'il Ragnaros
Today, when I logged in to see them, the person that has looked after me like a big brother from the day I joined the guild had a surprise for me.  He had recently been given some pet codes and wanted to help fill my pet collection with the ones I didn't have.  Now, I'm an obsessive collector of WoW vanity pets, but as I don't really have any money of my own, I'm often reliant on gifts for some of the purchaseable pets.

So today my little menagerie of WoW pets, all named "Erik", became larger by two: a Cenarion Hatchling and a L'il Ragnaros.  Which brings me to a grand total of 165!

Thank you, Manth.  I still think you are awesome!

1 comment:

  1. [...] may remember that recently I made a post about a guildmate who had donated pets to the Erik Menagerie.  In the space of the past month I [...]
