Paladin week came at an inconvenient time. Currently, most of our guild are offline with holidays, work, or having babies and other huge life-changing things, so there have been very few people about to assist with things and the paladin was one of the characters that had a
lot to finish.
Featured here with Erik the Skyfin Juvenile and her usual choice of transmog. Details for the transmog can be found listed here |
Meet Brenhild. I had levelled her to 110 and then pretty much abandoned her aside from missions each day. Whilst it is a healing class, for some reason I struggle as much with Paladin healing as I do with Monk healing, but this time I have no idea why. It may just be that I hate the levelling part so much as a melee that I put it off until I just feel that the learning curve has escalated out of all proportion. And of course, each expansion I do that just adds to the difficulty of getting back into it. I think I'll make a concerted effort next expansion to get the paladin working a lot earlier to see if that helps. As healers, Paladins are pretty powerful and always seem to have a very strong role in each expansion.
The Paladin class mount. Matches nicely with her favourite armour too! I love how shocked Brenhild looks to see it!
So, what did I do this week? Well, the first part of the week was very limited as with no one around in guild and my hatred of PuG groups, I was bottle-necked on progress by the need to do dungeons for the class hall quest chain. In the absence of my minions, The Author stepped in to valiantly assist by dragging my sorry plate-clad backside through the necessary dungeons. Thank you, once again! Once that first bottle-neck had been cleared, I rushed on to complete the class hall. I am very thankful that at this point in the expansion, the mission times and requirements for a lot of the quest stages have been reduced as they no longer slow the process down quite as much. After this, it was time to do the class follower and mount chain along with the Broken Shore chain. I had to hold off with the Argus quest chain as I still needed to level the new followers that were granted from completing the quest hall and one of the early requirements there is "6 followers at 900 ilvl". As I had to go do the start of the Suramar quest chain in order to be able to purchase an item needed for my mount quest, I thought I'd also treat you to a view of just how silly Dwarves look carrying Nightborne.

This leaves us all set for Priest week! See you there!
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