Tuesday 24 April 2018

Testing the Waters

As I have been slacking so horribly on my gold making lately, I decided to make sure to at least put in a little effort each day this week to see where I ended up. I'm mostly stocking profession crafted goods from both current and previous expansions. I have all of the professions covered at least once, but I am lacking many of the Legion recipes as forcing my alts through dungeons has been difficult at best.

OK, so how did I do on the auction house this week?

Well, I didn't seem to make much more gold per day than I had been while slacking off really, but 757,484g in auction house sales for the week isn't anything to be depressed with.

I have still been checking missions on each of my characters each day too and doing any gold missions I can (half of the characters are still not finished with argus missions or class halls though so their gold income from missions is a bit poor) and my total profit for the week is 826,466g after all the expenses and incoming gold from missions and quests is taken into account.

In total?

Show Me The Money!


Hmmm...actually that doesn't include the 1 million I keep stored on the auction house character as it is on a different account. I totally forgot to include that last time too. So actually it is...


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